Profile Products Acquires Coir Business of Nivetha Exporters

  • Deal
  • September 27, 2022

Profile Products (a NewMountain Capital portfolio company) acquired the coco peat and coir business of Nivetha Exporters and the factories of a related partnership, Horti Coco. Nivetha Exporters was a leading international producer of high-quality coco coir products. The transaction includes all Nivetha product lines, as well as the company’s best-in-class facilities in Southern India and dedicated employee base. As part of the acquisition, the business of Nivetha has been absorbed into a company called CoirSci.

JSA Transaction Team comprised Lead Partner – Aarthi Sivanandh, Partner – Bhavana Elizabeth Alexander, Senior Associate – Bhargavi Ravi, and Associate – Shika Suresh.